Meet the Champ!

Here they are, our season heroes, our Golden Pen Laureates!

They managed to complete a minimum of 100 orders (in total) during the Fall season without a single dispute or lateness case and with an average Customer Mark of at least 9.00! What an accomplishment, isn’t it?

Golden Pen Laureates

Amos 227771 Erika 216689 Samuel 295295
Benedict 301281 Geoffrey 228194 Victoria 329085
Branden 330463 Grace 318603 Zouina 294133
Colin 289987 Joseph 321073
Dalyne 330839 Karen 316767
Danica 110155 Kennedy 332563
Daniel 40147 Lilian 335687
Elkanah 20232 Mercy 332819

The winner of the season is Mercy (332819). Her records turned out to be the best of the best.

Great job, Mercy!

Meet the Team!

Many of you asked us to tell the story of editors, mentors, supporters, and staff members. You wanted to find out how the person on the other side of the internet cable (or wi-fi signal) is working. Well, guess what? We are launching a new column and begin it with an interview with one of the company founders - Eugene!

You are welcome to take a look at the amazing insight into Eugene’s life! We’ll provide some excerpts here as well:

There’s a quote that characterizes the challenges writers face daily. American writer Jessamyn West once said, 'Writing is so difficult that I often feel that writers, having had their hell on earth, will escape all punishment hereafter'. It’s always a fight with yourself. It’s a challenging task to generate well-structured ideas within a given time and instructions. There’s a chance you’ll miss the deadline; there’s a chance you’ll misunderstand the paper requirements; there’s a chance that Customer would not give you all the needed information about the essay; finally, there’s a chance that Customer might not like your work despite the fact that you made everything correct. There are different challenges. But still it’s a rewarding thing because you develop your discipline, creative abilities, and writing skills. Some of the writers I spoke with were grateful that over the few years of their work with Uvocorp, it felt like they got 3 more university degrees.

One of the principles we put into the foundation of running Uvocorp is dedication to quality. It comes out of the sense of responsibility towards our customers, employees, and writers. We try to do everything as good as possible until we understand it’s done in a proper way. We polish all the business processes. Our KPI spreadsheet has around 70 application interfaces where everything is statistically analyzed.

Being able to generate authentic ideas is important on all the levels of running a company or writing academic papers. You need to synthesize whatever experience you had in your life. You are different, you have different people around you. Actively transform your own experience.

The full interview is available in our blog.

Read The full article

Around the UVOworld

Dear team, you all know that we have a global team of professionals. We cherish each writer and strive to make the work of each of you as comfortable as possible. In order to do that, we try to understand you better with the help of surveys and feedback forms.

This Fall we had a massive survey sent out to nearly all of our freelance Kenyan writers. Guess what? We have the results and would like to share some key findings with you!

Meet the Kenyan Writers
Key Findings:
  • When asked about their general impression about the company, the vast majority of Kenyan writers say that they enjoy our mutually beneficial cooperation. The overall appeal among the survey participants stands at 70%; 86% believe that we have a positive reputation; 89% trust us, while 81% are ready to recommend us to their friends.

  • What Kenyans like about our mutual cooperation is reliable partnership (45% of respondents), fair pay (43%), convenient payment methods (43%), and clear rules and regulations (31% of respondents), among other things.

  • The most common dislikes are low quantity of orders (32% or respondents), unfair editors (27%), unfair rating (9%), and assignment distribution system (9%).

  • 88% of respondents plan to work with us for 5 or more years. By the way, 38% would love to become mentors some day.

The portrait of our Kenyan writer is as follows:

A young (25-29 years), ambitious man that has finished his studies at a university (Business and similar majors). Born in a Kenyan town but now living in the jewel of the crown – Nairobi, he has 2 kids and supports the family.

What a company, isn’t it?

We thank all the participants! We are definitely going to work on the aspects marked as disliked the most. How? More on that in the next issue of the magazine!

Got a Question?

Any plans for 2019?

Rating: we plan to revamp the rating system in order to make it more transparent and accurate. Our goals are to make it as easy as possible for you to calculate it yourself and create a rating log for each writer, so that any rating increase or decrease gets a separate log (to facilitate clarity and transparency).

The work is in progress already, so here are some sneak peeks: we intend to reward experienced and loyal writers with a bonus to their rating. Moreover, we are thinking about replacing the customer mark with another factor. So stay tuned for updates in early 2019!

Assignment model: we are currently looking for new models of orders assignment. Chances are that we will introduce a better system in 2019. We aim at helping writers who struggle to take orders once in a while. More so, we wish to ensure a fair distribution of orders among all writers.

Editing: we are expanding our Editors Supervision team. Remember that you can always appeal against an editor’s bid division by sending a message to the Editors Department. We do our best to respond to all requests as soon as possible. By the way, statistics show that 50% of appeals result in bid division changes in favor of the writer.

Moreover, December 2018 has seen a new feature: if an editor charges 10% or less, the company pays for the editing, and the writer gets the full bid. It pays to write well!

Instructions: 2019 is going to be the year of instructions. We plan to work in both directions - with writers and with clients - to decrease the cases of unclear instructions and, consequently, “instructions not followed” revisions. Our goal is to make all stakeholders understand each other better. Be sure to follow order instructions and report missing guidelines =)
