How To Be A PRO At Writing A Topic Sentence

How To Be A PRO At Writing A Topic Sentence

It’s crucial to structure your thoughts while writing a paper so that readers can comprehend your main thesis and supporting arguments. You should create a topic sentence for your introduction and body paragraphs while composing your essay. By learning how to compose topic sentences, you may better communicate your primary concept and supporting argument to your readers. Therefore, this article describes the function of a topic sentence and demonstrates how to be a pro in constructing one.

Develop a clear thesis

The first step you should take when composing an academic essay is to determine its main thesis—the primary focus of the entire research. This approach is essential since a topic sentence must link directly to your introduction’s thesis statement. Below is an example of a thesis:

This essay assesses the negative repercussions of the meat industry.

Establish a strong argument structure

As soon as you develop a thesis, you may want to incorporate an outline of the key concepts that your body paragraphs will cover in your thesis statement. According to the example outlined in step 1, one may anticipate that the essay’s primary points will center on animal health, human health, and the environment. You will be able to identify the specific primary concepts for each body paragraph by structuring your argument in this manner. The sequence in which you’ll explore those primary concepts will depend on whether you decide they are arguments or counterarguments. You’ll be prepared to create strong body paragraphs after you’ve gathered sufficient evidence throughout the research phase to back up these claims.

Specify a topic and a key idea

Start developing your topic sentences as soon as you’ve chosen your argument structure, finished your research, and are prepared to write. Every body paragraph must start with a topic sentence that reminds your audience of the paper’s topic—as specified in your thesis statement—and presents the major concepts identified in your outline in greater detail.

Focus on a few key ideas

A body paragraph should only contain one or two primary concepts. Anything beyond that runs the risk of providing a shallow instead of an in-depth analysis of the topic. You should thoroughly research each of your key points and ensure that each has a connection to your essay’s thesis. If you use two main concepts in a paragraph, ensure that they are closely linked to one another in terms of theme. You’ll likely confuse your reader if you present two major contrasting points in the same paragraph, undermining your argument and rendering your assignment less compelling.

Provide supporting information

The topic sentence may be the most significant part of your body paragraph, but the supporting details—where you explore the main concepts—are equally crucial. Your argument would be utterly weak without them. As a result, it’s crucial to provide strong supporting information while creating a topic sentence. Any supporting information you include should have an obvious and direct connection to the paragraph’s central concept, expressed in the topic sentence. Suppose your reader begins to doubt the significance of your supporting information in light of the topic sentence in that paragraph. In that case, the connection between these two crucial body-paragraph components isn’t evident.

Strive to persuade and engage your readers

A good topic sentence should try to persuade the reader of a position or opinion on a certain subject and be interesting enough to keep them reading. You shouldn’t make an argument if you can’t support it with sufficient evidence, regardless of how engaging or compelling that assertion may initially seem. Accordingly, you should write topic sentences that are both engaging and realistic, drawing the reader in with a distinct viewpoint rather than using exaggeration.

Avoid being too vague or specific

Although it may seem somewhat unachievable, you must try to avoid using topic sentences that are too specific or vague. Without giving away too much crucial information, you should be descriptive enough to give the reader an idea of what to anticipate from your paragraph. It would help if you compelled your audience to keep reading with interest and attentiveness. If your topic sentence is too detailed, you won’t be able to adequately develop your argument in a single paragraph. Similarly, if your topic sentence is too vague, there won’t be much left to discuss.

You should be concise

Being concise is crucial for academic work and entails keeping your topic sentences short. You shouldn’t use more words to describe the topic and the primary concept than necessary, similar to not being too specific or vague. A topic sentence should be more precise than your thesis statement in the introduction but not so detailed that it deters readers from reading the remainder of the paragraph.

You should be flexible

It would be best if you were prepared to modify their topic sentences as you go on since they are a work in progress. Given that a body paragraph’s topic sentence must have a strong connection to its supporting information, anytime you must modify that information throughout the writing process, you must also change the linked topic sentence. Never be hesitant to revise and enhance your work. In addition, preserve earlier drafts in case you want to undo your changes later.

Transition between concepts

The ability to seamlessly transition from one paragraph to the next and to demonstrate links between concepts, including contrast and comparison or cause and effect, are two purposes of a topic sentence. For instance, you could use the phrase “in addition” to reiterate the major concept from the preceding paragraph or the words “while or “conversely” to highlight a counterargument and concession. 


It may seem difficult to create a topic sentence, but this perception is untrue. The tips, as mentioned earlier, will make it much easier for you to develop good topic sentences quickly. Although these are not the only suggestions available, they will certainly be helpful if you struggle to write topic sentences.