How bullet lists help organize your ideas

How bullet lists help organize your ideas

Sorting a mess in your head might be challenging, and it’s a common thing for everyone. Especially people who deal with writing daily understand that it’s almost impossible to remember everything and make sure that you keep track of your ideas. Believe it or not… there’s probably an idea somewhere out there that you’ve forgotten. Who knows, maybe it was something revolutionary? 

For you not to forget essential things, sort each idea in its respective folder and organize yourself; we advise you to create bullet lists. Having any doubts or second guesses? Let us prove once and for all that bullet points are your best friends as they help with organizing, highlighting important things, and communicating main ideas.

Bullet points keep you focused

Cut the chase. That’s what you need to know about bullet points. There are certain times when a writer can allow themselves to describe the beauty of a sunset, but do you actually need it? Remember all those times when you didn’t know where to begin, your plans, and what you even wanted to do yesterday. Drafting at least a short list of things to do or your top goals will keep you motivated and focused on the endgame.

Let’s imagine that you have at least five ideas to develop. You cannot possibly do everything at once, now, can you? So our solution is for you to write them down. The idea you’re most excited about should crown the top of your list. You need to start with the top priority and move on. A tip: crossing points from the list is not only very satisfying but helps you to upvote a second idea. And so on! Keep what’s important, and don’t let other things distract you from your goal.

How to nail an essay structure: Bullet points

There is no surprise that lists and points can be easily used in any sphere of your life. Whether you want to organize your time, keep specific ideas in check or even structure your essay, they are ideal. Perhaps a one-page article will not require a complicated structure. However, when you’re drafting, for example, an argumentative piece, you will need to keep a lot of things in mind. Compare and contrast essays are also quite complex. How can you possibly remember all the points where your items are different or similar?

It is our recommendation for you to actually use a piece of paper if you’re an old-fashioned soul or any application to create a bullet list that will sort everything for you. For example, you can detail the structure of your essay according to body paragraphs. Your bullet points will be dedicated to topics or anything relevant to your work. Some experts even enjoy adding into the bullet points citations and references to later use in an essay. 

Perhaps you will also find it effective not to forget to cite a vital source. How you use the bullet points is entirely up to you. Just make sure that they are short, concise, and understandable. It’s not a good idea to write something in the middle of the night. In the majority of cases, you will not understand what you have written. Trust our experience and create organized bullet points during the day not to receive some gibberish.

Save time — create lists

Time management has been a loud word used by a lot of companies and coaches. Indeed, the modern world is all about saving our precious time and keeping it personal for our hobbies or anything else. Apart from finding a profession that will allow you to work less and relax more, lists can also help you with no extra charge. You probably heard of to-do lists. They may seem like an outdated idea or something that doesn’t truly work. But enumerating all the things you need to do in one place will help you distribute your time and possibly even save it. 

Why would you waste your precious minutes trying to figure out what you might have forgotten if you can always have a list? Maybe some can remember a scene in Harry Potter where Neville receives a Remembrall. It’s basically a ball that reminds people if they have lost track of something. However, it never says what you actually forgot. In other words, bullet lists are even better than magic in Harry Potter. They will show you precisely what you need to do when you need to do it and ensure that you will never forget something important. By remembering everything, you will not need to come back to your activities twice. It means that your time will be saved and you are free to relax.

Bonus: How to use bullet points

We gave you quite a few things to consider when it comes to bullet points. But it’s not the only theory that matters. So we also want to teach you how you can create excellent and effective bullet points on your own. Here’s how we do it:

  • Keep it short. Ideally, one line is enough. But try to keep your points within the limit of the two-three lines. Besides, they look better that way.
  • Repeat your constructions. You need to choose whether you want to start with a verb or a noun. For example: to water flowers, to buy ice cream and so on.
  • Try to stick with the same format and length. If you have chosen three words or one line, try to continue in the same fashion. 
  • Group your points together. Not to confuse what you were writing and why you can always select appropriate headings to mark your lists together.

Remember that you’re trying to organize time and efforts or create something aesthetically pleasing, which will motivate you to work further. We don’t know about you, but we certainly enjoy Pinterest-looking bullet points. We use them even to create content for our website, as you can clearly see.

A+ for reading

So here you go. Bullet lists can quickly help you to organize your ideas. They allow you to keep the focus on a single thought until it is complete. Besides, crossing out some points is definitely an enjoyable game. Moreover, lists can help you to improve your essay structures which is vital for any academic piece. Who doesn’t want to receive an A+ for their essay? Finally, saving time is a nice bonus that can be achieved by spending a minute to create aesthetically pleasing and practical lists.