How to overcome writer’s block: 10 tricks that work

All people who write texts professionally have at least once encountered major problems with this process. The feeling of being unable to produce content is probably one of the most uncomfortable things that can befall any writer. In this post, you will find out several ways to overcome the analyzed issue on the basis of the common wisdom writing experiences and even scientific information. Interested? Read further, and you will get some vital tips that can help you in everyday work.

Trick 1. Train automaticity

The writer’s block is about the inability to write. Thus, a solution to this problem can be forceful writing. In this regard, you have to simply train yourself to produce content on the go. Instead of thinking in-depth about varying topics, you must try to write without any cues. At first, this process will be uncomfortable: writing about anything without a thorough understanding of the final product is difficult for many people. Once you try, however, we can guarantee that you will eventually get good at writing any form of text without any blocks. In a way, the problem of writer’s block is the issue of lacking training: an advanced writer does not rely on inspiration but concentrates on simple reflexes.

Trick 2. Create a pre-writing regimen/ritual

Another important thing to consider is the process of ‘getting in the mood.’ Many people are incapable of writing because, for example, they do not have sufficient motivation or impetus for doing so. In this light, the creation of a clear ritual can be of great help in the analyzed case. If you train it for a sufficient amount of time, the regimen will become a hormonal trigger in your mind that will, for example, release the dopamine necessary for overcoming the writer’s block.

Trick 3. Exercise self-control

Another important reason that leads to writer’s block is the inability to control stress and attention. You have to concentrate on the exercise of self-control. Here, we can recommend the exercises aimed at improving your attention span and, for example, calming you down. Try out varying puzzles/easy mathematical tasks and breathing exercises in this regard. Most probably, you will be able to calm down your emotions and, as a result, write more efficiently.

Trick 4. Forget about perfection

Another issue that has to do with the writing block undoubtedly includes the problem of perfectionism. Many writers encounter the presented problem because they want to be impeccable. Ultimately, perfect is the enemy of good. What you need to do is accept results that you see as substandard. Don’t like a word in your writing? Leave it as is. Many readers do not expect perfection. 

Trick 5. Confront your inner critic

Another important approach to consider is the confrontation with your inner critic. All of us have a voice in our head that constantly blames us for all the things we do. What many people do not understand is that we can confront it in a potent manner. Explain to your inner critic that its actions lead to your mutual downfall. Then, demand a set of better terms. For instance, allow yourself to use some imperfect words and phrases if you produce a long text. Enable criticism only for genuine issues. Train your consciousness to be objective.

Trick 6. Produce the first draft as fast as possible

Another way to overcome writer’s block is to concentrate on producing the first draft of your work as fast as possible. In this regard, you have to accept Trick 4 at first and avoid perfection. After that, you should tell yourself the following thing: “My first version of the text will not be great; its further revision will.” In this way, you will create a strong compromise between high demands and realism in respect to your work.

Trick 7. Don’t forget to relax

One of the common things that cause writer’s block is the lack of proper rest. Many people simply overwork themselves into this problem. Thus, you should clearly plan out your rest in order to avoid issues with writing. It is essential to strive for a work-life balance. Burnout is the main friend of writer’s block in the current conditions.

Trick 8. Create a writing plan

Even though we call for spontaneous writing, some people may also benefit from thorough planning. In this respect, you should try to, for example, create an outline of the text you want to write. With this information, the process of writing will become purely mechanical. All you will have to do is fill in the relevant information about, for example, the essay you are writing. Ultimately, we recommend that you try out both the spontaneous and planning-oriented tricks and see which one works best for you.

Trick 9. Do something else for a while

Sometimes writer’s block is also a result of short attention spans that plague modern humanity. In this respect, we can recommend you shift your attention for some time. You can, for example:

  • Surf the Internet;
  • Check your email;
  • Talk with some colleagues;
  • Eat some snacks or drink coffee.

After that, return to work. Most likely, it will be easier for you to produce some vital text.

Trick 10. Scientific approach

The scientific studies that have to do with writer’s block are not numerous. One of the best pieces of research in this regard belongs to Robert Boice who concluded that the most potent way to overcome writer’s block is to concentrate on the combination of several methods we’ve mentioned above. Concerning this factor, he calls for the combination of automaticity, regimen, self-control, and social skills training. As the presented research indicates, those methods alone are inefficient at defeating the problem. If combined, however, they bring about tremendous benefits to the writers.


In the end, writer’s block is a problem that requires some hard work to overcome. Indeed, certain tricks can be performed in a short period of time. However, you should not treat the issue lightly. There is no silver bullet that can resolve it in a magical way. You have to work on defeating your perfectionism and inner critic. Practice is also a potent thing to consider: experienced writers are typically less prone to the analyzed issue.